Preventing Mold From Spoiling Your Bathroom

Mold isn't the nicest thing to have in your bathroom, it is common in areas that get damp and warm often. Even if you clean on a regular basis it can be difficult to rid your bathroom from unsightly mold. The warm moist environment is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi that will create the mold. If you want to prevent mold becoming a problem then you should consider the following tips.

Condensation When you have a shower steam will condense on many surfaces around your bathroom. Simply opening a window isn't enough to get rid of this problem. To solve this problem you should consider installing an extractor fan. This is used to push the wet air outside so that it can't cause any more problems.Some people suffer from worse condensation problems than others. If you do then you could hire a dehumidifier. You can see how much water the dehumidifier extracts from the air to see just how much of a problem condensation is in your bathroom. If the water tank is always full then you probably have a problem which needs to be sorted out.

Remove Unnecessary Items You should almost certainly think about removing rugs from your bathroom. If these become wet they can keep the air in your bathroom humid. You should consider different floor coverings which do not absorb water, and so do not create the same problems. Also think about removing potted plants as these will add to the moisture in the air.

Other Options You should thoroughly check your bathroom to make sure any leaks are sealed. Even the tiniest of leaks can cause a huge amount of damage if you don't resolve it as soon as possible. You should make sure that all of your pipes are kept dry, take special note of the connections. Check that all of the seals around the bath and shower are intact, and don't need any repairs. If there is mold behind the seal then this is probably a mold problem.

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